📣Seoul Global Center OASIS Annual Schedule
Seoul Global Center announces the schedule of non-Korean (pre-) entrepreneurs to "2024 Overall Assistance for Startup Immigration System(OASIS)".
❓What is OASIS?
OASIS provides both startup support and startup visa (D-8-4, D-9-1) to foreigners who decide to launch business in Korea based on our standing ideas and technology.
🤔Who can participate?
Foreign residents who with to get visas and establish their corporations or startup in Korea (Only OASIS-2, Foreign (pre) entrepreneurs who completed OASIS-1)
📖What kind of education is provided at Seoul Global Center?
We are offering OASIS-1,2 / OASIS-4+ / OASIS-5 / OASIS-7 / OASIS-8 program.
📆When will the program be conducted?
Please check the card news for details and schedules.
For more information, check out https://seoulglobalcenter.startup-plus.kr